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Scientific activity

Scientific Council
Andijan State Medical Institute      The Council Meeting of the higher educational institution will be conducted according to the approved annual plan on the last Wednesday of each month. The Chairman of the Council is the rector, Professor M.Madazimov.The Council includes pro-rectors, deans, heads of the departments, professors, associate professors, a total of 77 members.
He has been working as a board member of ASMI. One of the tasks of the council is to carry out studies in the scientific direction of the talented students, to develop their skills in the field of science, to create scientific knowledge and to give them knowledge. Here are the following:

  • Completion of the annual work plan of the Young Scientists Board
  • Coordinate the work of scientific academics by the Young Scholars Council.
  • Conducting the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Young Scholars and Students” of the Institute.
  • The organization of scientifically-creative activity of gifted students on the chairs, control over the work on creation and creation of conditions for their scientific products.
  • The first stage of the Science Olympiads in the Institute
  • Identifying and preparing candidates for scholarships established by the Presidential Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State Scholarship of Ibn Sino, Scholarships and public scholarships by Islam Karimov

Prospective plans
ASMI SCIENTIFIC WORKS Aimed at the 2018-2019 academic year:

  • Analysis of the plans for research work in the departments of the Institute in 2018.
  • An analytical interview with doctoral and independent researchers
  • Supervision of research works conducted at the departments
  • Monitoring of execution of dissertations executed at the departments of the Institute
  • Supervision over the implementation of the orders, resolutions, orders and timely orders from the higher organizations
  • Providing employees of the Institute with international, republican scientific-practical conferences, seminars
  • Control the effectiveness of scientific products by the staff of the Institute

Research activity

The following scientific and innovative elaborations composing the highest potential in medicine and are worthy in practical use are being implemented in Andijan State Medical Institute:

Fundamental project S0SV-F-037

This project will be implemented in 2017-2020, the head of the    project V.A. Aleynik. «The role of protease-active receptors and proteins in the treatment of short-term peptides as a disorder of pathogenetic mechanisms of liver digestive glands.» Partnership:  The 4th  department of  Therapy  of the Clinic of ASMI

Practical project


This project will be carried out in 2018 — 2020, the head of the project V.A. Aleynik. » Development of a method for the prevention of miscarriage by induction of immune tolerance in women to the antigens of the husband «. Partnership:  2- Maternity complex,  Andijan city

Innovative project


This project will be carried out in 2017-2018,the head of the project professor

«Introduction of surgical treatment of secondary localization of duodenal ulcers in perforation»

Partnership: The Department of Surgery, Clinic of ASMI and Department of Surgery of Andijan Municipal Medical Association


2018 yil himoya qilingan DSc doktorlik dissertatsiyalar:

    1. Mamarasulova Dilfuza Zakirjanovna –  the docent  and head of the department «Clinical Radiology and Oncology», on March 27, 2018 she defended her doctoral dissertation on « The Role of Molecular-Genetic and Hormonal Factors for Early Detection and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer» at the Scientific Council of the Republican Specialized Center Of Surgery named of academician V.V. Vakhidov –on  27.06.2017 Med.31.01 ( Scientific advisor – doctor of medical science Nargiza Shavkatovna).Yuklab olish
    2. Tadjibayev Madamin — «Separation and identification of phenol and nitrogen-containing compounds in Fabaceae, Geutianaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Asteraceae» 02.00.10 bioorganic chemistry — (scientific adviser-Botirov Erkin Khadjiakbarovich,  head of the department, professor of Russian Surgut University).Yuklab olish

2018 yil himoya qilingan PhD dissertatsiyalar:

    1. Nishanov Murod Fozilovich — assistant of the department of  «Surgery and Urology» on March 23, 2018 he successfully defended his candidate dissertation  on the theme «Ways to improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with duodenal ulcers» at the Scientific Council of the Republican Specialized Center Of Surgery named after V.V.Vakhidov on 27.06.2017.Med.31.01 (academic supervisor academician F.G.Nazirov). Download
    2. Otakuziev Akhmadillo Zokirovich — «The tactics of surgical treatment of transplanted and disseminated liver exoncoccosis» 14.00.27 Surgery. Download
    3. Kutlikova Guzalxon Makhammadjonovna — «The possibilities of using citozan at experimental atherosclerosis» 03.00.01 Biochemistry, biophysics and radiology (scientific adviser,  doctor of medical science, professor F.Kh.Inoyatova). Download
    4. Kasimova Gulnora Zulfikarovna — «Oxidation processes and NO-melting system in liver and kidneys in the development of metabolic syndrome» — 03.00.01 Biochemistry, biophysics and radiology (scientific adviser doctor of medical science, professor —  Sabirova Rikhsikhan Abdukodirovna,). Download
    5. Shadmanov Mirzamaxmud Alisherovich — «HIV — Associated urinary tract infections: distribution, clinical course, pharmaco-epidemiology and optimal ways of treatment» -14.00.31 Urology (scientific advisor Yuldashev Fayzullo Yuldashevich). Download
    6. O‘rokova Oysuluv Jamoliddinovna – «Conceptual-aesthetic bases of Chulpan art creativity» (scientific supervisor: doctor of philosophy G.T. Mukhmudova). Download
    7. Kamalova Gulnora Gulyamovna — «Ultrasound anatomy in uterus, ovaries during menstrual period, and primary, secondary amenorrhea in girls aged 13 to 23 years » — 14.00.02 Morphology. Download

Direction of scientific research

Priority directions of research activities of Andijan state medical institute have been formed and research work is carried out in this direction

  1. Diagnostics of common cardiovascular diseases by modern and innovative technologies, development and implementation into practice the effective methods of treatment, prophylaxis.
  2. Study the epidemiology of chronic non-infectious diseases among population of Fergana valley, development of effective ways and measures for diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis.
  3. Study the changes of anatomic-topographic and hystologic features of inner organs depending on age in fetus, infants, children of various age as well as in adults, study the properties of physical development in preschool and school children.
  4. Doing scientific researches on health problems of mothers and childrenand its improvement taking into account local features of Fergana valley.
  5. Developing diagnostic methods of surgical diseases,improving treatment results as well as preventing complications. Applying technologies in surgery.
  6. Improving treatment and preventive measures of viral hepatitis, acute intestinal diseases, HIV-infection and clinical-immunological properties of AIDS in Fergana valley.
  7. Study traumatological, orthopedic diseases as well as spinal and metencephal pathologies, diagnosis by innovative technologies, developing effective methods of treatmentand implementation into practice modern technologies.
  8. Estimation of health indices among population of Fergana valley, study the influence of environment.

Collection of scientific papers

In 2018 the employees of Andijan State Medical Institute received the following certificates for inventions and patents:

       1.”The use of therapeutic physical training for the prevention of Obstetric effects in pregnant women” – authors: Yuldasheva O.S., Shokirova MM, Parpieva D.A., Ibragimova S.R., Arzikulov A.Sh., Saliev A.R. . – № DGU 05049, February 14, 2018.

  1. “The method of predicting immunological infertility” – authors: Negmtshaeva Kh.N., Turaeva G.Yu., Mamajanova S.O., Ismayilova Z.U., Gafurova Sh.M., Saliev A.R. – № DGU 05048, February 14, 2018.
  2. “Preventive maintenance of patrimonial consequences with application of harmal and mint balms” – authors: Urinboeva MO, Asrankulova DB, Usmonova M.D., Nasirova F.Zh., Soliev A.R. – № DGU 05131, 13.03.2018.
  3. “An innovative approach to the prevention of preterm labor in extragenital diseases and urogenital infections” – authors: Yakubova O.A., Ahmedova N.M., Suleymanova N.A., Mamajanova Sh.K., Dalinova K.M., Satimova Sh.M., Negmatshaeva Kh.N., Inakova B.B., Yuldasheva A.S., Nasirova F.Zh., Ergasheva Z.A., Kuzieva G.A., Makhmudova K.Sh., Usmonova M. D., Soliev A.R. – № DGU 05080, 05.03.2018.
  4. “Program for the prediction of benign and malignant tumors by means of the ROMA index” – authors: Karimov M.A., Mukhtorjonova Kh.N., Mamarasulova D.Z., Urmanbaeva D.A., Mamadjanova Sh.K., Kuzieva G.A. ., Usmonova G.A., Zhalilova S.Sh., Abdullaev B.Sh., Abdujalilova N.Z. – 14.02.2018 – № DGU 05052
  5. “Diagnosis of the processes of adhesions of the abdominal cavity in children to determine the scope of the operation” – Akilov Kh.A., Ibragimov Zh.Kh., Gafurov A.A., Tuychiev G.U., Djumabaev Zh.U., Toshboev Sh. O., Mamajanov U.S., Vohidov F.Sh., Yuldashev M.A., Usmanov Sh.M., Karimov D.K., Saliev A.R. – 16.04.2018 – № DGU 05220
  6. “Creation of a new medical preparation based on exotaxin of cholera vibrio for the treatment of chronic renal failure” – authors: Abdurakhimov A.Kh., Zagrutdinov F.F., Saliev A.R. – May 30, 2013 – № DGU 05334
  7. “Functional correlating distraction device for the treatment of acquired vertebral kyphosis, hyperlordosis, caudal migration” – authors: Makhkamov N.Zh. Eshmatov M.M., Khaydarov B.KH., Kodirov U.T., Satimova Sh.M., Khodjaeva F.T., Mamajanova Sh.K., Kuzieva G.A., Usmo№va G.A., Saliev A.R. – 30.05.2018 – № DGU 05336
  8. “Methods of comparative diagnosis of viral and alcoholic hepatitis” – Baykhanova N., Juraev M.G., Yusupova M.B., Yakubova R.М. Valieva N.M. Toshmatova G.A. Ahmadaliyeva U.K. Tukhtanazarova N.S.,Usmanova E.M. Kayumov A.M., Pulatov M.E., Makhsumova D.K., Makhsumova D.K., Batirova B.T., Akbarov Sh.E., Malikova A.E., Khakimova R.A., Khudaiberdieva M.Zh., Sultonov G.I., Saliev A.R. – 30.05.2018 – № DGU 05335
  9. “Correction of the diet of the patients with tuberculosis taking into account the peculiarities of national dishes” – M. Saliev., Oripov S.Yu., Yusupov K.M., Mirzaeva M.M., Kholmirzaeva S.S., Usmanova G.K., Saipohunova H.M., Khasanova Sh.A., Azizov Yu.D., Mamadiev H., Khadjimatov R.S., Butaboev Zh.M., Khakimova R.A., Khudayberdieva M.Zh., Sultonov G.I., Malikova A.E., Akbarov Sh.E., Makhsumova D.K., Batirova B.T., Saliev A.R. – May 30, 2013 – № DGU 05338
  10. “Modern methods of diagnosis and comparative diagnosis of viral and bacterial diarrhea” – Azizov Yu.D., Inamova T.T., Zagrutdinov F.F., Boltabaeva D.F., Isakova D.Z., Makhmudova K.A., Dadakhanova R.A., Oripova Zh.N., Bayhanova N., Valieva Z.S., Ibragimova L.M., Kalandarov D.M., Kosimov Z.O., Mulladjanova K.A., Primkulova G.N., Malieva A.E., Mirzakarimova D.B., Yulchibaev M., Yuldashev Ya., Saliev A.R. – 30.05.2018 – № DGU 05337.

Scientific Activities

Information on scientific and practical conferences held at Andijan State Medical Institute in 2019

Conference Name Date Responsible department
1. Scientific-practical conference on the topic «Modern Urology and Orthopedics» with the participation of doctors from the BLK clinic in Delhi, India, Aditya Pradhan, Ajay Kaul, Rajesh Verma February 2-3, 2019 Departments of pediatric surgery, pediatric anesthesiology and resuscitation, anesthesiology and resuscitation and emergency medical care of the faculties “Hospital and emergency pediatrics”, “Pediatric surgery and anesthesiology-resuscitation”, “Advanced training and retraining of physicians”
2. Scientific-practical conference on the topic «Latest Diabetes News» with the participation of the head of the State Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Endocrinology of the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism named after V.R. Komissarenko, Ukraine (Kiev), doctor of medical sciences O.V. Zinych February 2-3, 2019 Department of «Hospital Therapy»
3. Scientific-practical conference on the topic “Hormonal menopausal therapy in perimenopause. IMS (endometrial foks) ”with the participation of a professor at the Department of Endocrine Gynecology of the Ukrainian Medical Academy, head of the department PAGNAMN,


February 19, 2019 Departments “Obstetrics and Gynecology-1”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology-2”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology of the FATP”, “Functional Diagnostics and Advanced Training and Retraining of General Practitioners of the FATP”
4. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 2650 dated November 2, 2016 “On measures to further improve the system of maternal and child health in Uzbekistan in 2016-2020,” PP No. 3440 dated December 25, 2017 “On the State program for the early detection of congenital and hereditary diseases in children in 2018-2022, «order No. 386 dated June 11, 2018 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan», «On the organization of high-quality obstetric and gynecological services for women, children and adolescents in the Republic of Uzbekistan» dated January 15, 2018.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republican Council for the Coordination of Activities of Citizens’ Self-Government Bodies, the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Center for Higher Special, Professional Education

February 23, 2019 Vice-rector for clinical work of Andijan State Medical Institute

B. Mirzakarimov

5. Scientific and practical conference of young scientists and gifted students on the topic «Actual problems of miscarriage. Prevention of miscarriage in modern obstetrics « April 20, 2019 “Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology-1”, “Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology-2”, “Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the FATP”, “Department of Hospital and Emergency Pediatrics”, “Department of Optional Pediatrics and Neonatology”
6. Republican scientific and practical video conference of young scientists and gifted students on the topic «Actual issues of medicine», dedicated to the year of «Active investment and social development» April 25, 2019 ASMI, The Council “Young Scientists”
7. Scientific and practical conference on the topic «Modern methods of treatment and prevention of frequently ill children» with the participation of the head of the department of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, professor, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, chief pediatrician of the central federal district of the Russian Federation I.N. Zakharova May 1, 2019 Departments of “Faculty Pediatrics and Neonatology”, “Pediatrics”, “Propaedeutics of childhood diseases and outpatient pediatrics”, “Hospital and emergency pediatrics”
8. Scientific and practical conference on the topic «Functional disorders of the digestive system» with the participation of the head of the department of family medicine of the integrative family therapeutic institute in Moscow, doctor of medical sciences, professor, cardiac rheumatologist I.V. Yegorov May 15, 2019 Departments «Advanced training and retraining of general practitioners and functional diagnostics of the faculty of advanced training and retraining of physicians», «Training GP 1», «Propaedeutics of internal diseases»
9. Scientific and practical conference on the topic “Cardiovascular diseases and their prevention” with the participation of MD, professor of New York Medical University, USA,


May 16, 2019 Departments «Advanced training and retraining of general practitioners and functional diagnostics of the faculty of advanced training and retraining of doctors», «Training GP 1», «Propaedeutics of internal diseases»
10. Scientific-practical conference on the topic “Management of the threat of miscarriage. What news? ”With the participation of Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of American University in Bertun, Fadi Mirza, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Columbia University, Diplomat of the Council of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Member of the College of Obstetrics and Gynecology of America, Chairman of the Federation of the Scientific Committee of the Arabian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists May 17, 2019 Departments “Obstetrics and Gynecology-1”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology-2”,
11. Scientific and practical conference on the topic “Peculiar properties of the metabolic syndrome” with the participation of an assistant professor of the Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics with an allergology course at the Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Belarus, c.m.s.,

L.P. Petrova

May 18, 2019 Department of «Hospital Therapy»
12. Scientific-practical conference on the topic «Modern approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases» with the participation of MD,

professor M.J. Ahmedova

July 2, 2019 Department of Infectious Diseases
13. Republican scientific and practical conference with international participation on the topic “Preventive medicine: today and tomorrow” based on the action plan of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan ”and in accordance with order No. 77-T dated February 9, 2019 of the rector of Andijan State Medical Institute June 7-8, 2019 ASMI
14. Scientific and practical conference on the topic «Problems of Infectious Diseases, Liver and Biliary Diseases» with the participation of the Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Gorden State Medical University of Belarus, MD, professor V.M.Syrkunov September 7, 2019 Department of Infectious Diseases
15. Scientific and practical conference on the topic «Acute respiratory infectious diseases in children» with the participation of the head of the department of diagnosis and rehabilitation of the health center of the Russian Federation, pediatrician, pediatric infectious disease specialist, doctor of medical sciences, MD, professor Bakaradze, MD, professor of the pediatric center RSNPMS F.M.Shamsiev September 14, 2019 Departments of «Optional Pediatrics and Neonatology», «Pediatrics», «Propaedeutics of childhood diseases and outpatient pediatrics», «Hospital and emergency pediatrics»
16. Scientific and practical conference on the topic “The use of didrogesterone in the prevention of the threat of miscarriage and habitual miscarriage” with the participation of the director of the clinic for pregnancy, childbirth and repeated termination of pregnancy in Israel, the head of the medical department of pregnancy and UTT, a member of the medical school and the committee for medical research, professor of medical faculty of the university named after Ben-Ben Gurion in the Negev, a professor at the University of Beer-Shiev in Israel, Asher Bashiri September 20, 2019 Departments “Obstetrics and Gynecology-1”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology-2”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology of the FATP”
17. Scientific-practical conference on the topic “Diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and adrenal glands” with the participation of Professor A.V. Kozlov, Professor of the Moscow National Research Center named after Academician N.N.Burdenko September 20, 2019 Department of «Hospital Therapy and Endocrinology»
18. Scientific and practical conference on the topic “Mistakes and legends of health professionals in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system” with the participation of the Vice-Rector for Medical Work of the Gomel State Medical University of the Republic of Belarus D.Yu. Ruzanov September 25, 2019 Department «Advanced training and retraining of general practitioners and functional diagnostics of the faculty of advanced training and retraining of physicians»
19. Scientific and practical conference on the topic «Treatment of dizziness and comparative diagnostics» with the participation of the head of the department of neurology of the medical academy of continuing professional education of the Russian Federation, doctor of medical sciences, professor M.V. Zamergrad October 25, 2019 Department of Neurology
20. Scientific and practical conference on the theme «Differentiated approach to hormone therapy for women of different ages at different periods» with the participation of Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Perinatology of Kharkov Medical Academy, JSST Trainer for Family Planning and Reproductive Health, T. A. Struk September 25, 2019 Departments “Obstetrics and Gynecology-1”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology-2”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology of the FATP”
21. Scientific and practical conference on the topic «Actual problems of diabetology. New approaches to the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus” with the participation of MD, professor of the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University of the Russian Federation EV Biryukova, MD, Head of the Department of Endocrine Pathology and Metabolism, Clinical Endocrinology Center of Kiev city, K.A. Zuev October 4, 2019 Departments of «Hospital Therapy», «Optional Therapy», «Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases», «Ophthalmology»
22. Scientific and practical conference on the topic «An Innovative Approach to the Treatment of Malignant Tumors of Reproductive System» with the participation of the Professor Dr. Dinesh Penkharkar, Director of Sarvodaya Hospital Oncology Center, Faridabad, India October 15, 2018 Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology
23. Scientific and practical conference on the theme “Screening Convenience and Opportunities for Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer” with the participation of Dr. Dinesh Penkharkar, Director of the Sarvodaya Cancer Research Center of Faridabad, India, a specialist of the Razhesh Kumar Research Center October 16, 2018 Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology
24. Scientific and practical conference on the theme «Menopause management: yesterday, today, tomorrow» with the participation of Tomi Mikkola, the head of urogynecological department of the University of Helsinki in Finland, author of over 100 scientific papers related to menopause and reproductive endocrinology October 29, 2019 “Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology-1”, “Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology-2”, “Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the FATP”, “Social Hygiene and Health Management”, “General Hygiene”
25. Scientific and practical conference and master classes on the topic «Modern Diagnostics and Treatment Methods in Gynecology and Oncogynecology» with the participation of Professor

D. Kumar, Consultant of the Scientific Center of the City of Delhi, India

November 25-29, 2019 Departments of «Oncology and Medical Radiology» of «Optional Pediatrics and Neonatology», «Obstetrics and Gynecology-2», «Obstetrics and Gynecology of the FATP»
26. Scientific-practical conference and workshops on the topic «New methods of treating cancer» with the participation of the professor Sumanta Gupta, at the Cancer Research Center Sarvadoya, Delhi, India December 1-6, 2019 Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology

In order to fulfill the tasks stipulated in Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 2909 dated April 20, 2017 “On measures for the further development of the higher education system”, PD No. 2956 dated May 5, 2017 “On measures for further reform of the medical education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, PD No. 3151 dated June 27, 2017 “On measures to further expand the participation of economic sectors in the training of specialists with higher education”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 5264 dated November 29, 2017 “On the organization of the Ministry of Innovation development”, Decree No. 369 “On Additional Measures to Improve the Mechanisms for Introducing Innovations in Economic Sectors and Spheres ”, as well as to ensure the active participation of young people in large-scale reforms carried out in our country, to increase the effectiveness of ongoing work aimed at upbringing self-thinking, healthy and harmoniously developed, educated personality, with high spirituality, on March 26, 2019 there was prepared and held the fair “Weeks of innovative ideas. «Innoweek.Uz» at our institute. The number of projects is 52, including 17 projects presented in the youth nomination (students and young researchers).

The results of innovations were considered by the jury members (leaders of innovation groups: Professor F.N. Nishanov, Professor Z.S. Salakhiddinov, Professor A. Arzikulov, associate professor Z. A. Kakhkharov) and winners were determined in the following nominations:

The youngest inventor: 1st year student of the Faculty of Medicine Pulatov Maruf (20 years)

The most active woman: associate professor of the department of GP-1 M.A. Zhuraev

The best innovative idea: associate professor of the Department of Biological Chemistry T.K. Inakov.

In the nomination of adults:

1st degree diploma — assistant of the department of optional pediatrics and neonatology Sh.Kh. Atazhanova.

2nd degree diploma — Assistant of the Department of General Surgery K.M. Madazimov

3rd degree diploma — prof. A.K. Yuldashev

In the nomination of young:

1st degree diploma — 1st year student of the Faculty of Therapy G. Kuldasheva

2nd degree diploma — 1st year student of Master’s Department on the specialty Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Sh.Akhmadaliev

3rd degree diploma — 6th year student of the Pediatric Faculty Sh.Abdurashidov

Photos of scientific events



Research work announcemts
In 2018 it was ensured the organization of scientific – practical conferences and participation of professors and teachers in them. Also, the following scientific abstracts were made:1. Scientific conference of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences on “Innovative technologies in gynecology practice” with the participation of professor of the Ukrainian Endocrinological Gynecology Institute T. Tatarchuk 2. Clinical Practical Conference on “Prevention of HIV infection transmission from mother to child” 3. Conference with the participation of international scholars on “Topical Problems of Neurology” 4. Belorussian Medical University on “Actual problems of gastroenterology” Scientific-practical conference with the participation of candidate of medical sciences, docent Danilov Dmitriy Evgenevich

Monographs published by the professors and teachers of the Institute in 2019:

1 Sodikova D.T. Sadikova M.A. Kalandarov D.M. Artikova S.G. «Epidemiology and risk factors for chronic gastroduodenal diseases among the population of abusers taking psychoactive substances»
2 Maksumov AG., Kholboev Yu.H.

Valeeva N.G.

“Synthesis, technology, properties of bis-urea derivatives and their application”
3 Kosimkhojiev M.I. Sodikova D.I. Davlatov B.N. “Surgical treatment of abnormal limb defects in children”
4 Nazirov F.G.  Nishanov M.F.  Nishonov F.N.  Ligay R.E. “Bleeding pyloroduodenal ulcers”
5 Tursunov B. Nishanov F. “Homeostasis of digestive enzymes in the surgery of duodenal ulcers”
6 Oroqova O.J. “The artistic and aesthetic essence of Chulpon”
7 Mirzakarimov B. Mamajonov U. Yuldashev M. «Diagnosis and thoracoplasty of the funnel chest deformity»
8 Yuldasheva G. Ergasheva Z. Abdurakhimov A. «Lesions of the respiratory organs in people with drug dependence»
9 Ahmadjonova G. Negmatshaeva H.N. “Treatment of perinatal complications of antiphospholipid syndrome”
10 Kalandarov D.M. Artikova S.G. «Modern approaches to the epidemiology of gastric and duodenal diseases»
11 Tuychiev G.U.

Aliyev M.M.

Gafurov A.A.

Mirzakarimov B.K.

Hemodynamic criteria for bypass surgery for portal hypertension in children with cirrhosis
12 Mamarasulova D.Z.  Soipova H. Urmanbaeva D. Breast Cancer in Pregnant Women
13 Arzikulov A.Sh. Yusupov K. Arzikulova D.A. Psychosomatics in pediatrics
14 Saliev K.K. Saliev D.K. Tashboev А.B. Tojidinov X.S. Systemic vasculitis
15 Saliev K.K. Saliev D.K. Tashboev А.B. Kuchkorov A.I. Hereditary diseases of blood producing system
16 Saliev K.K. Saliev D.K. Yuldasheva N.E. Tashbaev А.B. Tojiddinov X.S. Acute leukemia of adults and children, laboratory, instrumental diagnostics and differentiated treatment
17 Kuldashev K.A. Madazimov M.M. Hudoyberdiev K.T. New aspects of the surgical treatment of combined traumatic brain injury in the acute period
18 Agranovsky M.L.

Mirzaev AA

Malikova A.E.

Remote social and labor prognosis of patients with paroxysmal schizophrenia
19 Gulnoza Turaeva Pregravid preparation of women with preterm birth

Articles published in the scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of Uzbekistan and in the international journals and collections of scientific conferences:

Years Scientific articles In collections of scientific conferences
In the scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of Uzbekistan In the scientific journals of the Foreign Higher Attestation Commission In Journals with Impact Factor Republican Foreign Local
2018 99 32 221 2095 98 760
2019 173 96 146 1714 117 269


Prepared rationalization proposals, implemented works

Years Rationalization proposals Works implemented in practice
2018 236 246
2019 422 429


School of Young Scientists
About achievements of gifted students of Andijan State Medical Institute.In the academic year 2017-2018 the gifted students of the Institute achieved great success in educational and research activities:

  1. The student of the 7th year of Therapeutic faculty Javohir Soliev was awarded the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  2. A 5th-year student of Stomatological faculty Akhrorbek Shodmonov was awarded the Ibn Sino State Scholarship.
  3. A 6th– year student of Therapeutic faculty Mohinur Usmanova was awarded the State Scholarship named after Islam Karimov.
  4. The student of the 6th year of the direction “Professional Education” Urmanov Farrukh was awarded the Scholarship, established by the Association of Doctors of Uzbekistan.
  5. The gifted students of the Institute took the 1st ,2nd and 3rd prize places in the International Olympiad on the subjects “Anatomy”, “Histology”, “Pathological Anatomy”, including 1st place in Zoology, Microbiology and 3rdplace in Pathological Physiology at the Republican Olympiad .
  6. The gifted students of the Institute actively participated in the Republican and foreign scientific and practical conferences, the fair named “Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Projects”, “Innovation in Education: International Forum Cluster 2018”, “Innovative Development in Uzbekistan – Andijan Youth Summit ” and took the 1st ,2nd and 3rd prize places and were awarded with certificates and valuable gifts.

Science 2020


Patents, Inventions and Scientific Projects

99 inventions and patents were received in 2013-2019



Patent name Author’s name Issue date Patent Registration Number
1. Functional corrective distraction device for the treatment of acquired vertebral kyphosis scoliosis, hyperlordosis, caudal migration Mahkamov N.J. Eshmatov M.M.  Khaydarov B.X.  Kodirov U.T.  Satimova Sh.M. Xodjaeva F.T. Mamadjanova Sh.K. Kuzieva G.A. Usmonova G.A. Saliev A.R. 30.05.2019 № DGU 05336
2. Electronic program guide“KOGA” Muminova G.M.  Mamadolimov A.T. Gulyamov Sh.A. Kuldashev K.A. Jurayev D.D.  Kuldasheva G.K. 10.01.2019 № DGU 05954
3. Treatment and removal of residual cavities in exinococcosis Abdullaev R.N. Kosimov A.L. Axmadalieva S.M. Abdullaeva M.A. Musashayxov X.T. Ikramova F.D. Matkarimov B.X. Yusupov K.A. Vasilevskiy E.A. Dadabaev O.T. Egamov S.Sh. Qorixonov D.N.  Saliev A.R. 15.01.2019 № DGU 05964
4. Determination of the method of correction of erythrocyte function in delayed fetal development in pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia Yakubova O.A. Suleymanova N.A. Maxmudova K.Sh. Turgunova D.Z. Usmonova G.A. Saliev A.R. 11.03.2019 № DGU 06136
5. The program for the choice of treatment method for disorders of fertility status of immune genesis Yuldasheva A.S. Shokirova S.M. Ibragimova S.R. Mamajonova S.O. Turaeva G.Yu. Saliev A.R. 11.03.2019 № DGU 06168
6. Program for the choice of treatment tactics for arterial hypertension in  case of metabolic syndrome Uzbekova N.R. Tashtemirova I.M. Kodirova G.I. Vaxabov B.M.Yusupova N.A. Saliev A.R. 11.03.2019 № DGU 06169
7. Electrolyte imbalance analysis of thyroid gland diseases Ergasheva Z.A. Inakov T.K. Kaxarov Z.A. Abduraximov A.X. Dalimova M.M. Xolboev Yu.X. Mo‘minova G.A. Zagrutdinov F.F. Kasimova I.K. Boltaboeva D.F. Qosimov Z.O. Maxmudova K.A. Mamadaliev Sh.I. Ubaydullaev R.I. Nazirjonov O.X. Po‘latov M.D. Boboyev M.M. Karimov M.A. Saliev A.R. 11.03.2019 № DGU 06170
8. Prevention of complications in using the uterine spiral

in the postpartum period

Negmatshaeva X.N. Yusupova U.M. Gafurova Sh.M. Ismailova Z.U. Nasriddinova K.P. Shokirova S.M. Saliev A.R. 11.03.2019 № DGU 06171
9. Widespread popularization of therapeutic gymnastics among pregnant women Bazarova F.F. Abdullaeva M.E. Nuritdinova G.T. Yaxudayev E.M. Djalalova M.M. Karimova A.A. Saxibova M.D. Baxavadinova Z.M. Urmonjonov N.F. Shokirova S.M. Saliev A.R. 19.04.2019 № DGU 06279
10. Program for evaluation of clinical and immunological features of idiopathic epilepsy in children Madjidova Ya.N. Dalimova K.M. Arzibekov A.G. Abdullaeva M.I. Kabilov Sh.M. Arzibekova U.A. Rustamova I.K. Muxammadjonova D.M. Djuraeva X.Z. Isakova G.S. Gafurov M.E.Sadikova M.P. Rabieva B.T.  Saliev A.R. 19.04.2019 № DGU 06281
11. Integrated monitoring program in the anesthesiology of thoracoabdominal operations Toshboev Sh.O. Axmadaliev Sh.Sh. Mamatov B.Yu. Kodirov M.A.  DjalilovD.A. Muminov B.E. Abdullajonov X.M.  Fayzullaeva P.O. Sobirov M.S. Muxammadjonov M.I. Quziev O.A. Axmadjonov J.U. Abdullaev A.S. Xasanov Sh.N.Nishonova D.V. Ergashev X.M. Karimov M.A.Saliev A.R. 02.05.2019 № DGU 06301
12. Determination of the importance of ozone therapy application in obstetrics and gynecology Nasirova F.J. Satimova Sh.M. Kuziyeva G.A.  Mamadaliyeva M.S. Maxmkdova M.O. Usmanova M.D. Saliev A.R. 23.05.2019 № DGU 06503
13. Determining the effectiveness of ozonotherapy in combination with prevention and treatment of fetoplacental intestinal disorders in women at risk for pregnancy Nasirova F.J. Islamova Z.K. Nazirova Z.M. G‘ozieva Sh.S. Giyasova X.B. Usmanova M.D. Saliev A.R. 20.06.2019 № DGU 06618
14. Creation of electronic database on ultrasound examination of patients with inflammation of hip joints and degenerative diseases Xodjibekov M.X. Nazarova G.U. Madaminova N.E. Abduraxmonova M.A. Baxromov S.T. Madumarova Z.Sh. Ziyaeva I.D. Tojiboev A.A. Aliev L.M. Xolmatov D.N. Saliev A.R. 20.06.2019 № DGU 06619
15. Creation of electronic database based on ultrasound examination of patients with primary (idiopathic) pulmonary hypertension Xikmatov A.A. Baxromov S.T. Nazarova G.U. Mamatkulova M.Z. Madaminova N.E. Abduraxmonova M.A. Madumarova Z.Sh. Sapiaxunova X.O. Tojiboev A.A. Xolmatov D.N. Saliev A.R. 20.06.2019 № DGU  06620
16. Modeling of lymphatropic antibiotic therapy in the treatment of inflammation of the nose and sinuses of the nose Kosimov K. Narbayev Z.K. Abdusalamova Sh.O. Tojiboev A.A. Sapioxunova X.O. Raximov S.K. Xusanov Sh.R. Ulmasov B.B. Yunusov D.M. Xolmatov D.N. Saliev A.R. 20.06.2019 № DGU 06621
17. A program for early diagnosis and selection of treatment tactics in elderly cataracts Abdullaev Sh.O. Mamatxujaeva G.N. Abdullaev A.K. Abdullaeva L.I. Abdullaeva Sh.O. 03.07.2019 № DGU 06687
18. Modern algorithms for the diagnosis of allergic pathology Olimov A.A. Madumarova M.M. Yakubova R.M. Asrankulova D.B. Bektashev I.B. Boboyev M.M. Po‘latov M.D. Nasirova F.J. Usmanova M.D. Saliev A.R. 23.07.2019 № DGU 06747
19. Modern algorithms for the diagnosis of viral hepatitis Ro‘zimatova N.Sh. Yakubova R.M. Madumarova M.M. Bektashev I.B. Boboev M.M. Nasirova F.J.Usmanova M.D. Saliev A.R. 23.07.2019 № DGU 06748
20. Program for modeling pre- and postnatal diagnostic algorithms of congenital heart disease in children YEfimenko O.V. Ganieva M.Sh. Salieva M.X. Boltaboeva M.M. Urumboeva Z.O. Xaydarova L.R. Xodjamberdieva Sh.X. Xasanova Sh.A. Mirzaeva M.M. Shoyusupova N.Sh. Arifxodjaev A.T. Saliev A.R. 23.07.2019 № DGU 06753
21. Modern approaches to the treatment of chronic colostasis on  dolichocolon background in children Mamajanov U.Sh. Djumabaev J.U. Kadirov K.Z.  Yuldashev M.A. Karimov D.K. Isakov N.Z.  Abduraxmanov F.S. Kodirov M.Sh. Akbarova R.M.  Saliev A.R. 07.11.2019 № DGU 07144
22. Excessive body weight is a risk factor for atherosclerosis in schoolchildren of Fergana Valley Ibragimov M.B. Xafizova Z.B. Kadirov X.S.  Maxsudova X.F.  Abdullaeva D.A.  Xamidov F.Sh. Saxibova M.D. Baxavadinova Z.M. Karimov M.A. Saliev A.R. 11.11.2019 № DGU 07164
23. Some options for ultrasound dopplerography of the liver in the diagnosis of portal hypertension syndrome Jurabaev B.  Kalandarov D.M. Sodikova D.T. Xudoyarova N.K. Abdilxaeva Z.A. Yunusova Z.V. Artikova S.G. Kutlikova G.M. Bustanov Sh.Ya. Urmanova A.Sh. Yuldasheva G.B. Karimov M.A. Saliev A.R. 11.11.2019 № DGU 07165
24. Improved Diagnosis and Treatment of Bladder Cancer in Uzbekistan — A Comparison Between Two Third Centers Xakberdiyev J.K. Rustamov U.M. Ergashev B.A. Shadmanov M.A. Xamrasev O.A. Boboev R.A. Saikova D.I. Saxatalieva R.R.Yuldoshev X.J. Saliev A.R. 19.03.2019 № DGU 06186



ALEYNIK VLADIMIR ALEKSEEVICH — Doctor of Medical Science, professor, the Head of the Department of Commercialization of Scientific Innovations of Andijan State Medical Institute

BABICH SVETLANA MIKHAILOVNA – candidate of medical science , docent, manager of the department of commercialization of scientific innovations of Andijan State Medical Institute

ABDULLAEVA MAVJUDA ERGASHEVNA – candidate of medical science , docent, manager of the department of commercialization of scientific innovations of  Andijan State Medical Institute

SOBIROVA MUNAVVAR —  patent — engineer of the department of commercialization of scientific innovations of Andijan State Medical Institute

The Department of Commercialization of Scientific Innovations, which is a structural unit of Andijan State Medical Institute was established in accordance with the Resolution of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 7, 2018 PD-3698 “On Additional Measures to Improve the Mechanisms for Implementing Innovations in the Industry and Economic Sector”.

  The activity of the commercialization department is carried out according to the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders and regulations of  Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other government organs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, international agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of protection of intellectual property.

Involvement of Andijan State Medical Institute at the international interactive fair «Innoweek 2018» in Tashkent

On 22-27 November ASMI took part in the international interactive fair «Innoweek-2018».


Innovative projects were presented by leading experts of ASMI in the field of surgery, traumatology, therapy, physiology, otolaryngology,pediatrics professors Khodjimatov, Aleynik V.A., Kasimov K.K, Khudayberdiev K.T, docent Babich S.M., Djuraeva M.A., assistant Atadjanova Sh.Kh.

The delegation of ASMI participated in the opening ceremony of the fair and the work of the forum where workshops and seminars were held.

The Minister of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, I.Yu.Abdurakhmanov, and his deputy Yu.N.Mansurov, familiarized with the products of ASMI.

An employeer of the Department of Science and Innovation Development of  Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.Kh. Ashirmetov, showed great interest in the presented exposition of our institute.

   The projects presented  interest among visitors and the media, who highlighted the work in the video reports in the program “Around the world” on the Uzbek channel , and on National Channel of  Turkey.

As a result of the work at the fair, 3 contracts were signed between ASMI and clinic of ASMI, 1 contract between ASMI and ODMMTS, 1 contract between ASMI and Institute of Pharmacy in five areas.

ASMI made a contract on cooperation agreement with  Tashkent Medical Academy, Dental Institute and Institute of Pharmacy.

Andijan State Medical Institute was awarded with certificate for the participation the fair «Innoweek-2018»,

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