The specialists of the National Center for Oncology Medical Center named after N.N.Blokin visited Andijan branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology – Andijon davlat tibbiyot instituti
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The specialists of the National Center for Oncology Medical Center named after N.N.Blokin visited Andijan branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology

15:24 20.04.2019

Today, on April 20, Deputy Director of the National Center for Oncology named after N.N.Bloxin, Deputy on medical affairs I.A.Doroshev, head of the department of outpatient chemotherapy of the Center, professor Snegovoy A.V., scientific employee of surgery department, doctor of medical sciences D.Ryabchikov, head of surgery department, specialist of colorectal surgery V.M.Kulushev and aspirant of this center O.A.Talipov visited Andijan branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology.

In the conference hall of the Center, lectures were delivered with the participation of Russian specialists and professors-teachers of the Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology of ASMI, Department of Medical Radiology and Oncology of the faculty of Advanced training of physicians, cadets, doctors, holders of Master’s  degree and clinical interns and graduate students.

Experienced specialists V.M. Kulushev delivered a lecture on » Modern innovative surgical methods in diseases of the colon cancer «, D.Ryabchikov made a lecture on » Significance of lymphadesection in surgical treatment of mammary gland cancer «, V.N. Snegovoy delivered a lecture on «Modern chemotherapy in tumor diseases». Yesterday they examined 40 patients in the department of chemotherapy, 30 patients in poliotherapy department and 25 patients receiving treatment in outpatient settings.

На днях они осмотрели больных, лечащихся в отделении химиотерапии центра, в количестве 40 человек, отделении  полиативной помощи –  30 человек, 25 – амбулаторных больных и дали свои рекомендации.   А также провели операции: маммапластика с имплантом радикальной мастоэктомии молочной железы, устранение колостомы  пластическим методом, вставление   десцендо-сигмоанастамоза циркулярно – швейным аппаратом, радикальная резекция молочной железы  инновационной  лимфодисекцией, удаление предстеночного образования, аллогерниопластика.

Also, the following operations were performed: radical mastectomy of the mammary gland was performed by mammoplasty, colostomy elimination, destendo-sigmaanastamosis in circular tailor, radical resection of the mammary gland with innovative lymphodesection, removalof the neoplasm in abdominal wall and allogernioplasty.        Today, Russian doctors took part in the examination of patients and gave them and their colleagues medical advice. In addition, Russian oncologists performed operations on overlay reconstructive expander in radical mastectomy of the mammary gland as well as by transanal microsurgery method .

The employees of the Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology of ASMI together with Russian specialists have been actively involved in the surgical procedures, conducted in the early stages of oncological diseases.

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