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Practical seminar and press conference on "Book- healer of the soul and spirituality" was held

16:15 17.04.2019

The role and importance of the book in the spiritual perfection of man, in the formation of an independent thinker, the transmission of the mother tongue, the eternal values of our nation to the next generations are indisputable.Indeed, book enriches the spiritual world of man and forms creativity.
 In order to increase the interest of the younger generation to reading books, on April 17, 2019 a practical seminar and press conference on the theme » Book- healer of the soul and spirituality » was organized in Andijan State Medical Institute. The event was attended by A.Sultanov, head of Andijan Regional Information and Mass Communication Department, G.Ismailova, director of the Regional information and library center named after Bobur, employees of the Information Resource Center of the Institute and students.

The event was opened by the head of the Regional Information and Public Relations Department A.Sultanov, who noted that the President of our country introduced five important initiatives at the video-conference on March 19, among them the 4th one — the idea of raising the reader culture, which guides the way, leads the target.

At the conference, the pro-rector of the Institute P.Ashanov delivered a speech, congratulating the participants on the readiness of the present day, the importance of the book to encourage people to be kind and patient, to enrich their abilities and spiritual environments, to present the youth and our contemporaries as well as the issue of increasing the reader’s level and culture.

After that the participants of the event — A.Sultanov, director of the Regional Information and Library Center named after Bobur G.Ismoilova, the psychologist of the institute O. Arzikulov, employees of informative resource center D.Gulomova listened about reading and its role in our life. A video about the activities of the Institute and the Information Resource Center was demonstrated.

During the event, students actively participated in the reading and commented on their books. In turn, more than 20 mass media representatives took part in the conference and received answers to their questions.

At the event, the team of the club of smart and cheerful called «Ulfatlar», which was composed of the students, was delighted with the audience’s humorous performance.

Within the framework of the event, the exhibition and sale of books were organized and the participants were able to buy books they liked here.

At the end of the event, the seminar participants visited the Children’s Town in Andijan, where they received gifts from pupils. Children and the leaders of the institution were pleased to  their visit and expressed them great gratitude  .

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