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Scientific and practical conference on the problems of infectious diseases

13:19 11.09.2019

A scientific and practical conference on the topic «The problems of infectious diseases, diseases of the liver and biliary tract» was held in Andijan State Medical Institute. The clinic of ASMI, Regional Infectious Hospital, Andijan branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care, holders of Master’s degree, clinical residents of Andijan State Medical Institute, infectious diseases specialists of cities and regions of our region, pediatricians and general practitioners attended the conference, which was held in the magnificent “Business” Center in Andijan.
As a result of consistent reforms in the medical sphere, the epidemiological situation in the country on infectious diseases is being ensured. In particular, quarantine and especially dangerous infections, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus have not been reported for several years. Today, the range of work is being carried out by UNICEF on vaccination of children. Practical and consultative assistance is provided to strengthen and sustain the National Immunization Program of the country. In particular, new vaccines are being procured with the support of UNICEF in Uzbekistan. Seminars and trainings are being conducted all over the country to increase the capacity of specialists on its storage and vaccination.

The conference, which was opened by the pro-rector on scientific work of ASMI G.M.Khodjimatov, was devoted to the topic «Problems of Infectious Diseases, Intrahepatic Cholestasis: Causes of Different Liver Damages and Their Elimination». The conference was led by the head of the department of infectious diseases, associate professor D. Mirzakarimova. The conference discussed such issues as current dangerous infections, hepatology, gastroenterology, clinical pharmacology, epidemiology of infectious diseases, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and new technologies.
The conference discussed the issues of infectious and parasitic diseases and their prevention. Lectures were delivered by leading scientists in this field. Vladimir Maksimovich Tsirkunov, a professor of Grodno State Medical University from Belarus, participated in the conference. The Belarusian scientist made a lecture on new technologies in the field of innovation and research, problems that are still to be solved.

During the visit, V.M.Tsirkunov gave lectures and practical classes to students of the Institute on infectious diseases on the topics: «Viral Hepatitis», «Parasitic Diseases» and «Intestinal Infections».

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