" Youth of Uzbekistan is Fighting Crime!" — Андижанский государственный медицинский институт
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" Youth of Uzbekistan is Fighting Crime!"

16:17 10.10.2019

At the heart of the reforms in the country’s judicial system, much attention is paid to the issue of not punishing people, but to prevent them from going astray. This is the goal of the campaign “Youth of Uzbekistan is Fighting Crime!”, initiated by the senior assistant judge of Andijan regional criminal court, Mohidilkhon Mamatova. The event, which was held as part of the campaign at Andijan State Medical Institute, was actively attended by students of the institute.

Representatives of the state and public organizations, political parties took part in the event. The event, aimed at preventing crime among youth and raising their legal awareness, was opened by the pro-rector on youth affairs of the institute Abdupatto Askhanov. He focused on the measures being taken in our country on crime prevention, particularly the fight against corruption.

Afterwards, A. Sultanov, head of Andijan Regional Department of Information and Mass Communication Agency under the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan, emphasized the importance of raising legal awareness of young people in the fight against crime. In his speech he stressed the need to avoid indifference in the issue of the fight against crime and enriching legal knowledge of our youth.

The organizer of the event M.Mamatova, the senior assistant judge of  Andijan regional criminal court, provided information to the participants about the types of crimes committed by young people, the work being carried out to raise the legal awareness of young people, about “Law Classes” that are being implemented in schools.

The video about the Motherland presented during the event gave the participants an inspiring, creative mood. Students who spoke at the event recognized the importance of awareness-raising activities among young people in the field of spiritual, educational, and legal education.

Pupils of the 5th and 6th grades  of the specialized school No. 35 of Andijan city during the campaign » Youth of Uzbekistan is Fighting Crime!» gave brief information in Uzbek and Russian and showed their knowledge about some cases of juvenile delinquency and the types of penalties imposed on them.

During the campaign, aimed at improving the legal knowledge of the youth, the team “Ulfatlar”, consisting of cheerful and witty students of ASMI, showed off some crime cases through their humorous scenes. The poems and songs presented during the event encouraged the students to pursue their noble goals.

The campaign “Youth of Uzbekistan is Fighting Crime!” promotes young people to take a courageous step towards one goal — the prosperity of their homeland.


Press secretary of ASMI


Translated by N.Mamatova

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