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Practical seminar on "Actual problems of modern dentistry"

15:22 30.12.2019

The Department of Hospital and Clinical Dentistry of Andijan State Medical Institute hosted an international educational seminar on «Actual problems of modern dentistry».

Head of the Department of 2-Therapeutic Dentistry of Belarussian State Medical University, MD., Professor T.N. Manak and Head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of Tashkent State Dental Institute, MD, Professor O.E. Bekjanova participated in the seminar.

The seminar was attended by professors and teachers of the specialty departments of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Institute, as well as doctors and dentists working in the region.

After the workshop, the Department of Hospital and Clinical Dentistry of ASMI agreed to cooperate in the educational, methodical and practical areas with the Department of Optional Dentistry of TSDI and the 2nd Therapeutic Dental Department of BSMU.

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