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Propaganda event to raise the level of medical culture among the population

11:09 07.02.2020

Every educated person should be able to respond to the changes, innovations and problems in society. It is our human duty to live for the benefit of society. Professors and teachers of Andijan State Medical Institute take an active part in the promotion of public health, as well as in the promotion of spiritual culture and enlightenment.

At the initiative of Sh.Abdullaev, deputy of  Andijan Regional Council of People’s Deputies, during the campaign at the citizens’ gathering «Gumbaz» in Andijan, the chairman of the curators council of the Therapeutic Faculty  of  Andijan State Medical Institute B.Tashpulatov, responsible teachers of the department of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine Mashrabjon Naumanov and Bakhtiyor Razakov as well as 111th group students from Threpeutic Faculty participated in the event.
The meeting was opened by the chairman of the MCC «Gumbaz» R.Jalilov and introduced the guests to mahalla activists.  Speaking at the event, deputy of Andijan Regional Council of People’s Representatives Sh.Abdullaev spoke about not to waste and save the money of population as well as without excessive luxury. Responsible teachers of the department of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine Mashrabjon Naumanov spoke about infectious diseases such as Coronavirus.

He paid great attention on the causes of suicides in the process. In particular, the court noted that suicides — suicidal tendencies, close relatives, emotional instability in women, and the negative impact of the living environment on the medical examination. He said with sadness that suicide cases also exist among adolescents. Therefore, he said that it is necessary to prevent close marriages and strict control over how teenagers receive information on the Internet.  During the event, the inspector of the Sh. Topvoldiev explained that we must keep our makhalla in piece and save ourselves. He propaganda the population to raise the level of medical culture.

B.J. Razakov.

Responsible teacher of spirituality and enlightenment  of the department of  Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine

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