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Andijan State Medical Institute continues to train reserve staff on measures to prevent coronavirus infection

09:00 09.04.2020

In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 5537 dated January 29, 2020 and the order of  Ministry of Health № 77 dated March 22, 2020 by the order of the rector of Andijan State Medical Institute M.M.Madazimov Andijan, Namangan and the task of training medical staff of Fergana regions — doctors, secondary and junior medical staff as backup specialists in the fight against coronavirus — was entrusted to professors and teachers of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians of the Institute.

The head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of ASMI, docent D. Mirzakarimova and staff of the department were also involved in this training.
The training of reserve specialists began with the teaching staff of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians and the staff of infectious diseases hospitals of Andijan, Namangan and Fergana regions.
The study process has been going on since March 23.
The lessons are conducted as an approved program an 18-hour thematic Training Course.
Untill April 7,2020 by the institute’s professors have been trained 204 doctors from Andijan region, including 83 infectious disease specialists, 89 resuscitators, 16 epidemiologists and 16 virologists.
In addition, 70 nurses and 35 junior medical employers from Andijan region were introduced to the rules of the fight against coronavirus by telegram.
94 doctors from Namangan region were trained, including 31 infectious diseases specialists, 39 resuscitators, 5 epidemiologists, 5 virologists and 14 laboratory doctors. 46 nurses and 40 junior medical staff from Namangan region were also trained over a 3-day period.
For Fergana region, 22 doctors were trained, including 16 infectious disease specialists, 2 epidemiologists, 2 virologists and 2 laboratory technicians. Specialists from the Fergana region were later attached to the Fergana branch of  TMA.

From April 7, 2020 according to the 3day of advanced training were involved 267 doctors, 287 nurses and 256 junior nurses from Andijan region, as well as 95 graduates of ASMI.
In addition, 55 doctors, 91 nurses and 10 junior nurses from Namangan region were trained for 18 hours.
On April 9, the round finishes and we will continue to form a new round.


Dean of the faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Doctors of ASMI

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