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The event dedicated to 14- january — a day of country defenders

15:58 11.01.2019

On January 11, 2019, with the support of  Andijan Regional Council of the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan «Adolat» and Andijan State Medical Institute, on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and January 14 – the day of Country Defenders the event «Justice is the priority of the army» was held.

The event was attended by members of the Regional Council of SDPU «Adolat», party activists, and members of local councils, veterans, military personnel and military officers of the National Guard, professors, and employees of the department of Military Training of ASMI, student cadets, and representatives of Mass Media.

The event was opened by pro-rector on Academic affairs  A.Arzikulov, who congratulated all the participants with the Day of Country Defenders.

After congratulations the State Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was sounded.

Then the Head of the Department of Military Training A. Soliev conducted a speech and congratulated the participants with the great holiday.

At the event, the press secretary of the regional council of SDP Uzbekistan A.Nazarov also congratulated the participants with the Day of Country Defenders and made a speech.

The talented students of the Institute made a great contribution to the celebration with their own poems and songs.

The performance and sophisticated exercises of the National Guard servicemen, made great impression on everyone.

Participants of the event were proud of the fact that our native land, the inviolability of our borders, the boundaries of our borders and the peaceful life of our people are protected by such brave, courageous and strong people.

At the end of the event A. Nasriddinov, the Head of the Military Training Department thanked the organizers for active participation in the military service.

 The Press service of ASMI

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