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Conducted a literary event on “Book – is the mirror of spirituality”

15:38 02.02.2019

On February 1, 2019 in the Reading hall of the hostel of ASMI a literary event on “BOOK – IS THE MIRROR OF SPIRITUALITY” was held. The event was attended by Murodjon Gafurov, the head of Andijan Regional Department of Spirituality and Enlightenment of the Republic, specialist of the Regional Writers’ Union branch of  Andijan region, writer Vosit Ahmad, writer and publicist Durbek Kuldoshev.

The event was opened by psychologist of the institute Utkirbek Arzikulov, who commented on the positive impact of reading books on human psychology, the advantages of books to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and develop some skills.
In addition, Murodjon Gafurov made a speech and advised that the reading books  would help to understand the goals of life and overcome difficulties, develop thinking and listening skills.

Vosit Ahmad and Durbek Kuldashev gave the instructions, that reading  book help to people, preventing various crimes, writing and  stories, memorizing new words, and easy  mastering  foreign language and shared their creative works.
The students received answers to their questions in detail.

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