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An event was held on “We  fighting against the crime together”

09:16 01.02.2019

On January 31, 2019 in Andijan State Medical Institute held an event on «We fighting against the crime together.»
The event was opened by the head of the department of Youth work, Spiritual and Educational Affairs of  ASMI A. Abdukhalimov.  Senior lieutenant of the 3rd department of coordination of internal affairs activities of  Andijan city, A. Kakhkhorov, made a report on  “Crimes committed by minors”

In his report, he focused on activities for the prevention of crime in the region. He also gave information about petty robbery, theft, the use of Internet and cell phones for the personal gain, fraud committed by citizens, including youth.
After his speech, the legal consultant of the institute T. Abduvaliyev and acquainted the students with the statute, the internal regulations of the institute. In the meeting the  experts answered to the participants’ questionsand propagate them to be more vigilant.        The event was attended by the psychologist ASMI U. Arzikulov, deputy dean of the Therapeutic faculty U. Karimov, first-year students of the Therapeutic and Pediatric faculties.

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