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Analysis of distance education at Andijan State Medical Institute

12:37 29.05.2020

An online videoconference was held between Andijan State Medical Institute and the State Inspection for Learning Quality under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in which the rector of the institute, pro-rector on Academic affairs, heads of educational quality control departments, specialists of the teaching and methodological department and distance learning platforms took part.

Online videoconference was opened by the head of the Education Quality Control Inspection under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan U.N. Toshkenboev and emphasized that distance learning is an urgent task today, and also commented on the work being carried out in this direction at Andijan State Medical Institute.

In addition, the rector of the institute M.M.Madazimov talked about the work that is being carried out at the institute on the basis of the distance education program, as well as about distance educational resources prepared by professors and teachers of the institute and which was placed on the distance educational platform, complexes, video and audio lectures, presentations, electronic versions of textbooks, as well as work that is conducted with students.

Therefore, the specialists of the Education inspection expressed their views, based on the results of a survey conducted among students regarding the achievements, problems, shortcomings, skill of teachers and further improvement of the distance education system.

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