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18:33 21.11.2019

Staff of the Department of Medical Radiology and Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis of Andijan State Medical Institute – the Head of the Department, docent N.S. Hakimov, senior teacher Z.Sh.Madumarova, assistants A.A.Sabirov and G.A Azizov visited Andijan Bank College.

During the visit, director of the college Mansurbek Tuhtasinov briefed the students on the conditions, material and technical base of the college. Interviews with teachers were held and closely acquainted with the work being carried out in according to the five initiatives of our President.

The college is well-organized in 5 initiatives. In particular, the plan of measures aimed at stimulating and developing the talent of young people in music, painting, literature, theater and other arts is well developed. All the necessary conditions have been created for the youth to demonstrate their abilities in the field of physical culture and sports. In order to learn how to use computer technology and Internet efficiently among young people, a college computer room was organized to test students’ knowledge of Excel, and they were given the necessary advice and guidance. It is worth noting that there is a systematic work to popularize reading among young people. There was an interview with the head of the women’s committee.

At the end of the visit, taking into account the wishes of the college administration, the staff of the faculty of Advanced training and Retraining of Physicians, the teaching staff of the college engaged in research activities, in January 2020 an bilateral agreement was reached on the use of open lectures and workshops to analyze the teaching skills of teachers.


                                                       Head of the Medical Radiology, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics Department

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