On February 2, 2019, the team of professors and teachers led by the rector of Fergana State University R.Maksudov visited Andijan State Medical Institute.
Initially, the guests got acquainted with the conditions created in the study rooms, the activities of the simulation training center, and had a dialogue.
At that day rector of Fergana State University R. Maksudov and rector of Andijan State Medical Institute M.Madazimov discussed about the cooperation between the two universities in the sphere of scientific-research, scientific and pedagogical personnel training for 2019-2022 and signed the cooperation agreement.
This collaborative effort includes the developing of state educational standards and qualification requirements for curricula and master’s specialties, development of curricula, creation an educational program, involvement the qualified professors and teachers to the educational process, delivering the lectures by the senior teachers, participating to the attestation examinations, and involving them as scientific advisor to the doctoral dissertations (doctoral or PhD).
In addition, this cooperation includes collaborating scientific research works, creating an educational literature, conducting conferences, publishing in foreign journals, collaborating in research and experimental research, involving gifted students in research, organizing the learning process, as well as mutual assistance in providing regulatory legal documents.
In future, this partnership agreement will play an important role in the activities of both higher education institutions, specially in the preparing the scientific and pedagogical staff.
In addition, in the shortest time, the collaboration between the staffs of both high educational establishments will be established a cooperation and the professors and teachers will exchange with their experiences .
Press service of ASMI