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Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology "Night of Babur"

08:54 14.02.2020

In the regional tuberculosis dispensary was organized «Night of Babur» organized by the staff of the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology of  Andijan State Medical Institute , the students of 412, 413 group of the Therapeutic Faculty . There were presentations and performances of the life and work of the great thinker, king and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur.

In addition, the students recite with great interest the Babur`s Ghazal and Rubai . Performers perform in scenes that express the missing of our grandfather during his youth and his departure from the throne and away from home.

Inspired by the event, Fakhriddin Nasriddinov, chief  physician of the RTD and  Vohidjon Dadaboev, docent of the Phthisiology Department of the faculty Advanced Training and retraining of doctors  expressed their deep gratitude to the students .

The event dedicated to Babur was held at a high level.

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