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Happy Holiday, Dear teachers!

13:59 30.09.2019

Andijan State Medical Institute is decorated with beautiful flowers for the special holiday today.
The professors and teachers were welcomed by the students of  Institute under the sounds of trumpets, with the utmost respect  and flowers. Each teacher of the Institute – were happy with great joy and excitement.


The rector of the Institute Madazimov M.M opened the festive event on «Happy holiday, Dear Teachers!» dedicated to the Day of Teachers and Mentors.
In his speech, the rector made a speech about  education system, great attention paid for professors and teachers by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan  and conguradulated everyone with the national holiday — Teachers and Mentors day.
In honor of the holiday, the administration and staff of the Institute presented valuable and memorable gifts to a group of teachers who work hard in the educational process.

At the ceremony, the teachers thanked the government and the administration for their attention.

Students congratulated the teachers on behalf of the Institute  and promised to become worthy disciples, and wrote poems dedicated to teachers and recites them. The literary part of the holiday began with the performance of the cheerful and clever students of the team- «Ulfatlar».

The songs performed by the talented young people received applause from the teachers.

Andijan polka was played by young men, invited everyone to dance.

Greetings, dances were joined by congratulations at the festive event «Happy Holidays, Dear Teachers!» A wish in the language of all:

«Happy Holiday, Dear Teachers!»

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