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Irina Zakharova’s master classes in Andijan

13:57 02.05.2019

On May 1, 2019, an international scientific-practical conference on the topic “Modern methods of treatment and prevention of frequently ill children” was held at the “Hamkor” business center in the city of Andijan. The head of the department of Pediatrics at the Postgraduate Educational Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, professor, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, chief pediatrician of the Federal District Irina Zakharova was invited to the conference.

The conference was organized by professors and teachers of the departments of Facultative Pediatrics and Neonatology, Propedeutics of Children’s Diseases and Polyclinical Pediatrics, Hospital and Emergency Pediatrics and the department of Pediatrics. This conference is devoted to the urgent problems of medicine: the effective management and treatment of diseases in infants with frequent illnesses, the strengthening of their immunity, the establishment of modern medical monitoring.

The event was opened by the pro-rector of the institute on academic affairs, professor A.Sh.Arzikulov. In his speech, he spoke about the results of cooperation between researchers of the ASMI and Russian universities, the exchange of academicians and students, telemedicine, online conferences and reports, master classes, the effectiveness of research and development and further strengthening of international relations.

The scientific and practical conference was led by the head of the department, docent B. Inakova.

The conference was attended by heads of the departments, docent M.Ganiyeva, A.Arzibekov, M.Abdullaeva with reports on topical issues. They shared their experience and knowledge, talked about modern and effective methods of treatment and diagnosis.

Professors and teachers of the institute, holders of Master degree, clinical residents, students of the faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians, specialists of Fergana Valley, who participated in the conference, received answers to their questions.

At the end of the conference, the participants expressed their gratitude to the Russian specialist for the friendly visit to Andijan and scientific cooperation.

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