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11:30 06.11.2018

        On November 6, 2018 a roundtable discussion on «Ideas of Religious Tolerance and Interethnic harmony» was conducted in  the conference hall of  ASMI.

        The event was opened by pro-rector on work with youth P.Askhanov. He talked about the Uzbek nation, the concept of the Uzbek people, their origin, the interethnic harmony and tolerance policy in our country. The students were told that achievement of great successes on the basis of peaceful life and coexistence and the achievement of big strategic goals is a guarantee of sustainable development — a guarantee of civilization. Thanks to the wise policy pursued by our President, the mutually beneficial exchange and solidarity in the spheres of cultural and enlightenment and other industries are grateful events.

        The event was dedicated to the promotion of good intentions. The deputy dean of therapeutic faculty U.Karimov, the psychologist of the institute  O.Arzikulov made a speech on interethnic accord and tolerance. Students also acknowledged that they are generations of a generous and hospitable nation and  living together as a single family is a high priority.
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