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Preparatory works of Abu Ali Ibn Sino public health technical schools for the 2020/2021 academic year were discussed

10:01 09.12.2020

Under the leadership of the rector of  Andijan state medical Institute, M. M. Madazimov, a meeting was held to discuss the preparation of public health technical schools named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino for the 2020/2021 academic year.
The meeting was attended by acting pro-rector on Academic Affairs B. Abdullajanov, pro-rector on Therapy affairs B. Mirzakarimov, responsible for public health colleges named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino Sapiokhunov H., heads of technical schools in Boz, Kurgantepa, Pakhtaabad districts and Andijan city.
The meeting discussed the creation of working groups and headquarters for organizing the educational process in the context of the pandemic, determining the start date and form of the educational process, conducting a questionnaire to study the opinions of parents whose children entered technical schools, discussing curricula and programs, and cooperation between technical schools and the Institute.
During the meeting, the rector of ASMI M. M. Madazimov noted that professors, teachers of the Institute and technical schools should work in theoretical and practical directions.

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