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Professors and teachers of the faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians organized a spiritual and educational together with the course participants

15:15 29.05.2019

The first initiative put forward by the esteemed President Sh. Mirziyayev provides for the development of youth’s interest in music, painting, literature, theater, and art. To ensure the implementation of this initiative, on May 29, 2019 a spiritual and educational event was held by members of the faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians together with the course participants.

The event was opened by the professor, dean of the faculty H.Tursunov. Then N.Madaminova, a senior lecturer of the Department of Traumatology — Orthopedics, Neurosurgery and Otorhinolaryngology, briefly spoke about the life and work of representatives of Uzbek literature — People’s Writer of Uzbekistan, Hero of Uzbekistan Said Ahmad and People’s Writer of Uzbekistan Tokhir Malik.

The listeners of the department D.Kholbotirova, F.Yulbarsova in their speech supplemented the information about the famous Uzbek writers. And also presented the books of their favorite writers.
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