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The Chairman of Higher Attestation Commission in ASMI

13:14 24.09.2019

The chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ahmadbek Tadjievich Yusupov visited Andijan State Medical Institute to meet with young scientists. The Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission was met by the rector of the Institute Madazimov M.M, rector of Andijan State University Akramjon Yuldashev, pro-rector on Scientific Affairs of ASMI Khodjimatov G. and others.

The meeting of Yusupov.A with the doctoral students of ASMI, independent researchers, young scientists and their supervisors was held at the Department of Anatomy. The meeting was opened by the rector of the institute with a brief introduction, the purpose of which was the visit of the Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission A.Yusupov to the research activities of the Institute’s scientists and young researchers.

Therefore, A.Yusupov made a report about the great attention of the President of the Republic to the scientific and scientific researches. The Higher Attestation Commission had provided information on the activities, requirements for scientific work, and academic councils conferring academic degrees.

Participants of the meeting have received answers to their questions from the Chairman of the Supreme Attestation Commission. In particular, they were well informed about the process of submitting papers, awarding the academic titles, writing news articles, and the list of academic opponents.

The meeting between the Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission A.Yusupov,  the young scientists and research leaders of ASMI  was useful for both sides and we hope that this meeting will make a significant contribution to the development of the Institute.

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