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The exchange of international students continues at Andijan State Medical Institute

09:03 24.10.2019

With the special attention of the President of the country, Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoev, the prestige of our institutes and universities is growing as the material and technical base of our higher educational institutions is growing. In particular,  Andijan State Medical Institute has international cooperation with more than 40 foreign institutions and organizations.

Сurrently, held the negotiations between  the management of the Institute and  the management and specialists of the firm which provides educational exchange services in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

The foreign guests negotiated with the rector of the Institute Madazimov M.M and pro-rector of the Institute to continue study one group of the 2nd and 3rd year students at  Andijan State Medical Institute.

During the visit, Sharma Ishvari Narayan and Barade Amit Radjkumar from India presented a collection of English anatomy books for students of the institute.
During the meeting, the sides discussed issues of mutual interest.

Press service of ASMI

Translated by

Pulatova U.S
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