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The Representative of German Cooperation Organization (GIZ), Evelina Toteva visited Andijan State Medical Institute

17:02 08.02.2019

The rector of ASMI, Professor M.Madazimov, Chief Physician of the Clinic of ASMI B.Rakhmonov, pro-rector on Academic Affairs A.Arzikulov, pro-rector on Scientific Affairs and Innovation G.Hodjimatov, Head of International Cooperation K. Salohiddinov and others welcomed the guests with greatest honor and respect.

Initially, the Department of International Cooperation held an intense and sincere conversation with the guests. During the conversation, both sides exchanged with their opinions about cooperation with German experts, exchange of experience, training of highly qualified medical and technical staff, capable of working in modern equipment, as well as exchange of students in the field of education and form educational plan in German.

During the conversation, Mrs. Evelina expressed her sincere opinions about Uzbekistan and its hospitable people. She said that great results are expected from the cooperation between the Andijan State Medical Institute, the clinic of ASMI and Germany .
       The rector of the institute M.Madazimov also presented a memorable gift to the German guest and thanked for the visit.

Then representatives of the German Cooperation Organization visited the simulation training center of the institute. They got acquainted with the trainer, moulages and other medical equipment and observed the practice.


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