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The Russian neurosurgeon A.Kozlov delivered a lecture

16:55 11.02.2019

On February 11, 2019, A.K.Kozlov, an experienced neurosurgeon, the professor of the National Scientific and Practical Neurosurgery Center named after academician N.N.Burdenko of Russian Federation visited the Department of Children Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery of Andijan State Medical Institute.

On the same day, A.Kozlov met with professors and teachers of the department, specialists in the field and students, and delivered a lecture on «Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of brain tissue and head bone lesions».

The lecture was attended by the head of the Educational-Methodological department of ASMI, G.Nazarova, the head of the department of Pediatric Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery, K.Kuldashev and students of the 4th course of the Therapeutic faculty

The participants got acquainted with the topic  and received answers to their questions in detail.

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