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The simulation center was enriched with new training – robots

13:46 26.02.2019

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for further development of the higher education system” № 2909 dated April 20, 2017, “On measures for further reforming the medical education system” № 2956 dated May 5, 2017, “On measures for the further participation of economic sectors in raising the quality of training of specialists with higher education” №3151 dated June 20, 2017, in order to fulfill the item “Establishment of an educational and simulation laboratory” of the Decree “On measures for the further development of specialized copper in order to improve the qualifications of medical staff and the quality of the educational process on the basis of Andijan State Medical Institute, a center for training and simulation laboratory was established.

For the organization and reconstruction of the educational-simulation laboratory extra budgetary funds  were allocated in the amount of 96 million sums, for equipment — 68,436,600 sums, simulators and models -545 million 733 sums. In the center established the training rooms for the implementation of practical skills on the subjects of anesthesiology, resuscitation, surgery, therapy, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, neonatology, dentistry, otorhinolaryngology, anatomy, and ophthalmology.

In February 2019, the simulation center was enriched with new robots — simulators for a total of 780 million sums on the subjects of neurosurgery, traumatology, obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology, therapy, surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care.

In the simulation training center all conditions are created for students to acquire independently practical skills. Study rooms are equipped with modern information and communication tools. In particular, computers, televisions and cameras are installed in each room.
The educational process is organized according to the schedule and is conducted under the guidance of instructors. From the establishing of the simulation center and until today, more than 70% of students can confidently and independently carry out practical skills.

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