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Videoconference with the participation of Belarusian endocrinology

14:33 25.01.2019

On January 25, 2019 in the conference hall of Andijan State Medical Institute, in cooperation with teachers of the department  of Hospital Therapy and the department of Endocrinology of Belarussian State Medical University was organized  on-line videoconference. On January 25, 2019 pro-rector on Scientific Affairs and Innovation professor G.Khodjimatov, pro-rector on Educational Affairs, professor A.Arzikulov,  professor Z.Salohiddinov, as well as the head of the department of Hospital Therapy Sh.Yusupova participated in videoconference.

The videoconference was attended by the head of the Department of Endocrinology of Belarusian State Medical University, doctor of medical sciences, professor Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Mokhort conducted a lecture on «Modern methods of treatment of  2nd form of diabetes «. The report includes full information about the new methods of treating diseases, new technologies, new methods of working with modern drugs according to the European standards and results from the obtaining of new medicines.

The general practitioners, professors and teachers of the department of Hospital Therapy, students of the Institute, holders of the master degree and clinical interns participated in the conference and had scientific dialogue about actual topics, and get necessary  answers and feedback from specialists. The conference was full of impressions.

                                                                                          Press service of ASMI

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