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Visit of the Chief of the Medical Supplies Department of Ministry of Defense to the Andijan garrison

13:45 18.02.2020

Colonel Abduvahid Abduvakhobovich Azimov, Chief of Medical Supplies of  Ministry of Defense, and Colonel Abdugani Khoshimovich Yuldashev, Lieutenant-Colonel Abduvakhid Safarov, Chief of the Medical Service of the Eastern Military District in  Andijan garrison together got acquainted with the activities of medical centers in military units .

He observed the new battalion of medical center which builds in the military unit, gave his instructions, conducted an open dialogue with 3rd year students studying at the Department of Military Training and Civil Defense at Andijan State Medical Institute.

During the practical classes with students of the military department at the military unit, the head of the Department of Medical Supplies of the Ministry of Defense Colonel A.A.Azimov explained about the works on the development of medical services in Ministry of Defense, new medical equipment, medicines and military medicine, as well as about transportation.

The commander of the military unit and the head of the medical service were set tasks organize the dental room in medical centers, installation of ECG equipment and organization of paid services to the population. Therefore, Colonel A.A.Azimov familiarized, commented the condition, gave instructions to the medical center of the military unit located in Jalakuduk district.
He also met with veteran of World War II who lives in the Chorguzar makhalla of Andijan. During the conversation, the father spoke about the Second World War and the troubles that followed, and wished all the best in the world. He wished health and strength to the President of our country, the military servicemen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who work for the prosperity of the country.

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