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Visit of the leading specialist in the field of pharmacy continues

14:05 17.09.2019

As previously reported, Professor Diter Schulz, Senior Pharmaceutical Expert from German Senior Experten Service (SES), visited Andijan State Medical Institute.
During the visit of Professor D. Schulz, a leading specialist in the field of pharmacy planned to conduct master classes and deliver innovative lectures on technologies in pharmaceutical higher education and pharmaceutical education to teachers and students of the Institute.

During the visit, the German scientist shared with the professors and teachers of the Institute of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Chemistry, exchanged views and shared their experiences on world-wide development efforts. To the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students of Pharmacy direction of the Institute was conducted master classes and delivered lectures on «Prospects for the production of new drugs», “Role of chromatographic methods in drug isolation”, “Amino Acids. Qualitative reactions to proteins”.

Students’ reports were received with great interest by the students. During the workshop, conducted by a German scientist, students received sufficient answers to their questions.

Professor D. Schulz expressed his opinions about  strengthen the  mutual beneficial cooperation, the activities of the institute, about beautiful Andijan and hospitality his first impressions about Andijan.


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