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We make a worthy contribution to the development of the country

18:24 19.02.2020

The reforms carried out in our country are being studied with great attention by the world community. Changes in Uzbekistan’s social and economic sectors have been instrumental in improving the well-being of the population.

The state program for implementation of the «Year of Development of Science, Education and Digital Economy» also sets a number of measures for the welfare of the people.

The Head of the Department of Pathological Physiology Sh.Hamrakulov explained said that they have development points on «Year of Development of Science, Education and Digital Economy» and commented that the program focused on developing every aspect of our society.

The event also featured the life and work of our great ancestors Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhamad Babur, who celebrated their birthdays over the weekend.
The Thanksgiving event was held under the responsibility of the Department of Biology and Histology in the 2nd Building of the Institute.

The head of the department R.Rahmonov introduced the students to the news of the country and the world, inquired about the students’ views on the educational process.

The Thanksgiving event was held by the Department of Ophthalmology at the Clinic of ASMI. The event was opened by the Deputy Dean on Youth of the Therapeutic faculty, Ulugbek Karimov who explained that we should be thankful for our lives in peace and tranquility. After that, teachers and students sang the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

At the Thanksgiving event R.Z.Mirzaeva, the head of the department of Ophthalmology, delivered a lecture on the 537th anniversary of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur on «Babur is charming man »

Participants of the Thanksgiving event expressed the opinion that each of us should make a worthy contribution to the development of the country.

Kozimjan Baydullaev,

Deputy dean on work with youth of the pediatric faculty of ASMI

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