To ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 7, 2020 “On measures to introduce a completely new system of training and continuous professional development in the field of medical sanitation” and that of June 22, 2021 “On the parameters of the state order of admission to higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the academic year 2021-2022”, as well as taking into account the need for medical personnel in the region, Andijan State Medical Institute was allocated 474 places for clinical residency specialties in the academic year 2021/2022.
As Andijan State Medical Institute is the main higher education institution in Fergana Valley for the training of specialists in narrow specialties, according to the above decision, the city and districts of the valley have been allocated targeted quotas by districts.
As the number of state grants for clinical residency specialties increased, local government grants were introduced from the local budgets to train doctors in the narrow specialties required for the region.
According to the resolution, 8 quotas have been allocated for the field of Orthopedic Dentistry, and all applicants can apply to this field and submit documents to Andijan State Medical Institute for 29 specialties in clinical residency. The list does not include Surgical Dentistry or Orthodontic Dentistry.
The demand and need for a narrow range of specialties for clinical residency has been studied by the Ministry of Health, and the number of quotas is set in the above resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Andijan State Medical Institute does not have the right to determine the number of specialties and quotas. Therefore, applicants for clinical residency specialties can apply for registered specialties in the above mentioned list to Andijan State Medical Institute.