Article 42 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan guarantees everyone the freedom of scientific and technical creativity and the right to enjoy the achievements of culture. Today, students who contribute to the development of medicine are taking initiative in all areas. The knowledge competition “The Constitution is the Guarantee of Our Happy Life” held at Andijan State Medical Institute strengthened the students’ political knowledge. 6 contestants answered 10 questions in detail. The rector of the institute M. Madazimov, vice-rector for youth affairs, spiritual and educational work S. Salokhiddinov, psychologist O. Arzikulov, employee of the regional department of justice Kamoliddin Amonov fairly evaluated the students’ answers.
The first place was taken by the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Dentistry Mokhigul Umarkhodzhaeva, who was able to clearly and correctly answer the questions.
The event also featured poems, songs and dances by creative and talented students.