In collaboration with the Department of Medical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences held an interdepartmental scientific-practical conference on “Current issues of chemical analysis of natural drugs.”
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Medical Chemistry, Ph.D. S.Islamova, head of the department Yu.Kholboyev and head of the department of pharmaceutical sciences M.Turgunov, 4th year students of Pharmacy took part. The experts shared their views on the analysis of natural drugs using chemical methods, as well as scientific research conducted at the institute. In the second part of the conference, experts made presentations. Lecture by S. Mirzaolimov, Associate Professor of Pharmacy, “Purification of iodine from extracts by extraction methods”, G. Mamatisakova, “The current role of the pharmaceutical industry”, N. Razzakov, Senior Lecturer of Medical Chemistry, “Preparation of food additives from medicinal plants” served as another master class for students.