The holiday of renewal and rejuvenation, Navruz, brought joy to the hearts and brought joy to the hearts. The holiday is in full swing in all organizations and institutions. The team of Andijan State Medical Institute also took part in the national holiday event held at Bobur Arena. The rector of the institute M.Madazimov, vice-rectors, professors, teachers and students took part in it.
The khokim of the region Shuhratbek Abdurahmanov congratulated our people on the holiday of beauty and renewal – Navruz.
The event featured national dances, folk games, songs and lapars. In particular, the national dance “Andijan polka” presented by the young men of our institute added a special charm to the event.
The cheerful songs sung by well-known artists of our region invited everyone to dance. The team of our institute also had an enjoyable time.