Article 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan states that everyone has freedom of religion. The priority of the Law is ensured in all organizations and educational institutions. In particular, the violation of the personal rights and freedoms of employees, professors and teachers is not allowed at Andijan State Medical Institute.
The Basic Law of our country defines the rights and obligations of citizens. There are requirements such as compliance with the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, compliance with established procedures and rules of educational institutions. Andijan State Medical Institute is an educational institution under Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and operates on the basis of the order of Minister of Health №8 dated March 24, 2022 “On approval of the Code of Ethical Rules for Medical Workers”, and on the basis of the order of the rector, approved by the scientific council of the Institute. The order contains a requirement for the culture of clothing of employees and students. White coat and cap. Therefore, all staff and students dress based on this order. The institution has a Simulation Center, which has first aid rooms and a treatment room. There students get acquainted with practical processes.
In particular, students are admitted to the State Final Attestation in accordance with the rules, since during the exams students demonstrate their knowledge and skills in practice. From the video it is obvious that the student is not dressed according to the requirements . The dress code for medical students is the same for girls in a shawl, and for girls with loose hair, short dresses and students in sportswear.