A round table on the topic “We are young people, against harassment and violence” was held at the Andijan State Medical Institute. In the meeting was attended the Rector’s adviser on women’s issues, the chairman of the Women’s Advisory Council G.Kholmatova, the rector’s adviser H.Zakirov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry H.Makhmudov, the inspector for the prevention of Zh.Khudzhaeva, teachers and students of the faculty.
Also as a guest at the event were S.Talaboeva and A.Egamnazarov from the Andijan City Department of Justice, and Lieutenant Colonel Z.Kholmatova, the senior Inspector for Women’s Affairs of the Department of Internal Affairs of the region, was also invited.
Initially, the chairwoman of the Women’s Council of the Institute, G. Kholmatova, spoke about the work carried out in the republic, in particular, at our institute, to protect women from harassment and violence. In addition, speaking about the problems that concern everyone today, noting that currently almost 40% of crimes against human life and health, one out of every four murders, Intentional infliction of bodily harm, more than one out of every five, are committed in the family sphere, article 28 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan states that “no one can be persecuted, abused.” It was pointed out that it is necessary to further increase spirituality and education so that our young people do not fall under the influence of various ideological ideas from the above circumstances.
After that, the senior inspector for Women of the Department of Internal Affairs of the region, Lieutenant Colonel Z. Kholmatova, speaking, highlighted the directions inherent in our national mentality, the role and responsibilities of women in the family. She also provided information on the procedure for issuing protective orders when women are subjected to violence and harassment, about violence, as well as how persons who have been subjected to pressure inevitably bear responsibility before the law.
At the end of the event, the students who won the contest of videos and images on the theme “we, the Youth, are against harassment and violence”, organized by the Faculty of Dentistry, were awarded letters of thanks from the leadership of the Institute.