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20:36 09.02.2023

The Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with the Andijan regional administration and Andijan State Medical Institute, organized a creative event on the occasion of the 582nd anniversary of the birth of Alisher Navoi on the theme “The spirit of ancestors lives forever”.

O. Yuldashev, head of the Andijan regional department of the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, A. Abdukhalimov, the head of the department for Work with Youth, spiritual and enlightenment, Farid Usman, a member of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, winner of the “Dostlik” medal, N. Morakhimova, representative of Andijan Regional Center for Regional Spirituality and Enlightenment, O. Meliboyev, a member of the Writers’ Union of Andijan region, students of the creative school named after Muhammad Yusuf, active young people and students took part in the event.

Those who spoke at the event spoke about Navoi’s noble image, precious words written by him and their meaning. They recited his ghazals and rubais, and conveyed his comments and exemplary aspects to the youth.

After that, it was the turn of the artistic part of the event. Talented students of the faculties performed ghazals, songs and dances, and stage performances. The event ended on a high note.

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