April 8, a spiritual and educational event dedicated to the 687th anniversary of the great leader and statesman Amir Temur was organized at Andijan State Medical Institute.
The event was opened by the first vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual-educational affairs S. Salohiddinov and he spoke about Amir Temur’s skills and justice in state management. He also called on the participants of the event to take an active part in the Referendum process to be held on April 30 of this year and talked about the changes and additions to our updated Constitution.
After that, the senior teacher of the Department of Social and Humanities N. Nurmatova gave a speech and spoke in detail about the unique place of Amir Timur in history, his successful marches, glorious life path and “Temur’s rules”.
In the artistic part of the event, the students of Andijan State Pedagogical Institute performed a piece from the drama “Anda jon koldi” by Pirimkul Kadirov and embodied the characters of Amir Temur and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. In addition, the poems, songs and dances performed by the talented students of our institute gave high mood to the participants of the event.
In the end, a letter of thanks was sent to the rector of Andijan State Pedagogical Institute, expressing gratitude for the cooperation.