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13:42 15.09.2023

Parents of the first-year students of the Faculties of Dentistry and Pharmacy were invited to the Congress.

First vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs S. Salohiddinov, advisor to the rector for women’s issues G. Kholmatova, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry D. Tolanov, dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Sh. Bozorov, Institute Preventive Inspector J. Khojayev participated in the event.

Those who spoke at the event first spoke about the opportunities created at the institute for students to get quality education and engage in practical training. It was mentioned that professors and teachers are improving their skills abroad, and that master classes are being organized for students by attracting foreign experts to the institute.

Also, the internal rules of the institute, “Code of Honor” were introduced to the parents. An explanation was given about the importance of students not only in the institute, but also always following the rules of etiquette, attending classes on time and completing assigned tasks, and parents should not be indifferent to this.

It was emphasized that it is important for parents to always be aware of their children and to establish permanent cooperation with the institute in order to prevent crimes and offenses and drug addiction among young people.

Regarding the issue of women and girls, detailed information was given about the activities of the clubs organized in the institute for students and girls to learn trades. The activists of the Women’s Advisory Council informed about the possibility of girls to show their talents through the contests.

Parents also received detailed answers to the questions they were interested in. At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to establish permanent cooperation between the institute and parents.

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