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Andijan State Medical Institute Rector M. Madazimov’s holiday greetings on the occasion of the Day of Medical Workers

10:20 11.11.2023

Dear colleagues, dedicated and passionate people of the difficult field called medicine! I sincerely congratulate you all on the Day of Medical Workers!
In accordance with the Law “On Establishing the Day of Medical Workers of the Republic of Uzbekistan” adopted in our country on September 12, 2006, the second Sunday of November is solemnly celebrated in our country as the professional holiday of doctors. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a vivid example of the attention paid to us by you!
It is no exaggeration to say that you, professors and teachers of our dear institute, are doubly hard-working professionals. That’s why you are equally actively carrying out the responsible task of educating future doctors at the higher medical educational institution.
It is known that in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to fundamentally improve the Andijan State Medical Institute and its clinic”, construction and construction works are being carried out at the clinic. In addition, a 2,000-seat educational building is being completed. After the completion of the construction works, the most high-tech surgical operations will be performed by our doctors. For this, we have already started preparations, and a number of our specialists are improving their skills in leading medical institutions abroad.
Because you work tirelessly on yourself and educate your students to be useful and selfless for our nation, our students have already achieved a number of achievements and are achieving success not only in the republic but also on the world scale. We are proud of it.
At the same time, it has become a tradition for the team of our institute to conduct in-depth medical examinations throughout our region in order to provide high-quality medical services to our people. Our doctors take an active part in it with their own initiative, patients from low-income families are operated on free of charge. All this is a vivid example of practical work aimed at making our people happy with medicine.
What pleases me the most is that today our students are also active in encouraging people to follow a healthy lifestyle. My dear students, who are already taking care of the health of our people and are active! Dear future doctors! I sincerely congratulate you on today’s holiday! I say that you should learn from your teachers at a high level and in the future serve our people wholeheartedly like them, treat every patient not only with medicine, but with your heart and kind words!
Dear doctors, colleagues! I congratulate you all once again on the holiday, I wish you a long life, good health, family peace, and success in your professional activities!
Have a blessed holiday!

Madaminjon Madazimov
Rector of Andijan State Medical Institute, professor.

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