- Head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor: Xakimova Ro‘zixon Abdurakhimovna
- Working time: 08:00 – 15:30
- Mobile Communication: +998 935404266
- Email: rrraimjonov@mail.ru
For the first time, a tuberculosis course was created on the basis of the Department of Therapy In 1964, at the Andijan Medical Institute. Head of department was K. Baltabaev. The main scientific direction of the department was: “Studying the prevention of primary and secondary drug resistance in the Andijan region”. K. Baltabaev and R.Y. Ibragimova were conducted a study in this directions. On the basis of the department was created the only experimental bacteriological laboratory in the Fergana Valley, where liquid nutrient media were used to detect drug resistance and also some kind of mushrooms. Received dates were published on a lot of articles and teaching aids.
From 1992 to 2000 the department was headed by a highly qualified specialist, associate professor Sh.B. Akhunov. He was a professional, an experienced teacher, had a great oratorical talent. In 2009-2011 years associate professor of department Khakimova R.A. with assistants completed government grant on topic: «Diagnosis and differential diagnosis TB on HIV-infected patients. Organization and carrying out antiretroviral therapy on HIV-infected patients with TB in Andijan region», state grant ITSS-28 was on value 71 million sum. Results of scientific grant reflected on some teaching aids, scientific articles and rationalization proposal.
The list of professors and teachers and employees of the department
Xakimov Nasrulla Sabirovich
t.f.n. kafedra dotsenti
Xudayberdieva Madina Jabborovna
Assistent onkolog
Maxsumova Dinora Kamolovna
Katta o’qituvchi ftiziatr
Oripov Shavkatbek Yuldashevich
Assistent terapevt
Batirova Barchinoy Tadjimuxammedovna
Sultonov Golibjon Inamidinovich
Assistent ftiziatr
Abdumanapova Ranoxon Kaxramanovna
Assistent ftiziatr
Mavlyanov Ibragim Kamilovich
Assistent ftiziatr
Kuchkorova Munavvara Faxriddin qizi
Assistent infeksionist
Mamajonov Iqboljon Maribjonovich
Assistent ftiziatr