Welcome to Andijan State Medical Institute   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to Andijan State Medical Institute
(0-374) 223-94-60
Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city


  • Head of department: Salievа Manzura Khabibovna
  • Working hours: 8.00 – 17.00
  • Contact: +99891 612 65 02
  • Email:

The department was created on the basis of the department of general hygiene which was founded in September 1958 and in 01/12/2023 it was renamed to the department of: “Fundamentals of Preventive Medicine”.
Classes at the department are held in Uzbek, Russian and in some groups in English (for foreign students). And there are classes in English for the 2nd and 3rd year students of General Medicine and Pediatric faculties who know English well.
Students from the following faculties are trained at the department: medical, pediatric, dental, preventive medicine, pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, folk medicine. The department provides training in the following subjects: hygiene, medical ecology, military hygiene; ecology and hygiene; hygiene and medical ecology; nutrition.


Yusupov Kahramon Muhiddinovich

Senior teacher, Faculty of Pediatrics



Mirzayeva Mohipora Mamadalievna

Senior teacher, Faculty of Pediatrics



Usmanova Gulnorakhon Kamoliddinovna

Senior teacher, Faculty of Medicine



Minavarov Adhamjon Anvarovich

Senior teacher, Faculty of Pediatrics



Khazhimatov Ravshanbek Sabirzhanovich

Senior teacher, Faculty of Sanitary Hygiene and Epidemioloqy



Khodzhiakhmatova Rano Yuldashevna

Senior teacher, Faculty of Sanitary Hygiene and Epidemioloqy



Nasirdinova Maftuna Vosikhon kizi

Аssistent, Faculty of Medicine


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