Shokirova Sadoqatkhan Mukhamattsoliyevna, Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc), successfully defended her thesis.
Shokirova Sadoqatkhan Mukhmattsoliyevna successfully defended her degree at the one-time Scientific Council based on the Scientific Council numbered at the Medical Institute of Public Health in Fergana numbered Ph.D.04/30.09.2020.Med.122.01 on July 2, 2024; 14.00.15 – Dissertation work on Pathological anatomy and 14.00.01 – Obstetrics and gynecology specialties on the theme “Clinical-anamnestic and morphological indicators of the ovary in infertility” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc).
On behalf of our team, we sincerely congratulate S. Shokirova on this scientific achievement and wish family peace and success in the path of science!
May the number of scientists in our Institute expand even more!