- Head of the Department Docent.: ARZIBEKOV ABDUKHODIR
- Working time: 8.00 – 17.00
- Mobile Communication: +998 (90) 573-18-12
- Email: arzibekov1955@mail.ru
The Department of Children’s Diseases was established in 1959. Department was headed by docent A.I. Ilyasov.
The department assistants were N. N. Chukanin, E.S.Yetsina, Z. A. Bezrukova, A.I. Skrinevskaya.
In 1966, due to the opening of pediatric faculty at the institute, the department received the status of “Children’s diseases” of pediatric and therapeutic faculties. It was headed by docent N.N. Chukanin, the team was replenished with assistants D.M.Mamazhanova, U.A.Arikbaev, Z.S. Suleymanov, Sh.I. Valiyeva, S.U.Iminova, O.I.Mkhitaryan.
On the basis of the order of the institute rector dated August 25, 1979 on the establishment of the department of pediatrics at the therapeutic faculty, the department of pediatrics of the therapeutic faculty was separated from the department of children’s diseases and located on the basis of the 2nd city children’s hospital in Andijan.
The head of the department was appointed the Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent Mamazhanova D.M. who headed this department until 2000.
The assistants of the department were U.A.Arikboev, Z.S.Sulaymanov, Sh.I. Valiyeva, O.E.Mkhitaryan, M.A. Askarova.
Over the past years such professors and teachers as Shermatova MR, Alieva MM, A.G.Arzibekov, Kh.S.Kodirov, G.S. Akhmadzhanova, L.Ya Grigoriants, A.Sh. Arzikulov, O. Muminov, B.S. Kayumov, M.A. Umarova, D.A. Abdullaeva, B.T. Abdukhalikova, F.Kh. Bakirova, Kh.F.Maksudova, L.S. Salimgariev, Sh.R. Iskandarova, T.R. Osmanova work at the department.
Of the above mentioned N.N. Chukanin was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science, who later headed the department of the Scientific Center for Children’s Health at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. L.Ya. Grigoriyants and A.Sh.Arzikulov were awarded the title of professor.
2000-2005 docent A.G. Arzibekov. Due to the unification of the departments, since 2006 the department has been renamed to the department of “Propaedeutics of children’s diseases and pediatrics with a course of neonatology HFM.”
The head of the department was appointed MD, Professor A.Sh.Arzikulov. The staff of this department includes dms. Kh.T.Hudoyberdieva, associate professors: A.G.Arzibekov, M.B.Ibragimov, Kh.A. Khusanova, assistants: M.M.Zhalalova, O.A. Karimova, I.A. Noraliev.
Since 2010, the department was renamed the department “Propaedeutics of children’s diseases and pediatrics”, the department became the head of the Associate Professor Arzibekov AG.
In 2011, the graduate of Master’s department Makhpiyeva G.K. was accepted as an assistant.
In 2014, Assistant Kosimova G.Z. was transferred from the Department of Hospital Pediatrics to our department.
In 2016, docent Z.B. Khafizova was transferred from the faculty of advanced training of Physicians to our department.
In 2017, assistants F.T.Abdunazarov, M.K. Maksumov, U.Kh. Rakhmanov, Kh.E. Turakulova, M.A. Tukhtasinova were recruited.
From September 2018, the subjects “Propaedeutics of childrens diseases”, “Tibbiyot Kasbiga Kirish” were transferred to the department “Polyclinic Pediatrics”.
In 2019, Sultanova Feruza Hoshimovna returned to work from maternity leave.
In 2019, the department hired a graduate of the master’s degree Sabirova Nargiza
In 2022,graduate graduates no’monov Khusniddin,Soliev Abduboriy,Solieva Gulzira,Alieva Khostyiy,Turobiddinova Gullola, Abdullaeva Nurzhakhan were hired in the Department.
In 2023, graduate Ulugbekov Mirzoulugbek was hired in the Department.
Arziqulov Abdurayim Shamsiyevich
Hafizova Zemfira Bariyevna
Mahpiyev Guldon Qobuljanovna
Kodirov Husan Soliyevich
Katta o’qituvchi
Umarova Muqaddas Abdukadirovna
Katta o‘qituvchi
Maxsudova Hakimaxon
Katta o‘qituvchi
Tuychiev G‘ofurjon O‘rmonovich
Katta o‘qituvchi
Abdullayeva Dilmura Abdullayevna
Норалиев Исмоил
Akbarova Ra’no Mirzarabovna
Sultonov Feruza Xoshimovna
Turaqulova Xilola Erkinovna
Soliyev Abduboriy Sattorjon o’g’li
No’monov Xusniddin Mutallibjon o’g’li
Turobiddinov Gullol Alimjanovna
Ulug’bekov Mirzo Ulug’bek Oybek o’g’li
The clinical base of the department “Pediatrics for the Faculty of Medicine” is located in Andijan City Children’s Hospital, 1 University Street, Andijan City.
- BAZA …..