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16:04 24.09.2024

As you know, currently in our republic intensive preparation is being made for the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local councils which will be held on October 27, 2024. Promotional events are being held to inform voters about the pre-election program of political parties and their nominated candidates, what urgent tasks they have set for themselves.

The meeting held by Andijan Regional Council of “Adolat” Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the meeting hall of Andijan State Medical Institute with voters was focused on this goal. It was attended by party activists, candidates for deputy and people’s representatives who are working at the same time.
Initially, attention was paid to the activities of the party during 2019-2024. A report was given on the activity carried out on the basis of party projects. It was recognized that there was a revival in the activities of deputies in local councils.

After that they talked about the preparation for the elections and the new election program approved at the regular congress of the political council of the party.

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