Today, on October 12, the rector of Andijan State Medical Institute, M. Madazimov, met with the consul of the Embassy of Pakistan in Tashkent, Saqib Ali, and the consular attaché, Amar Shakhzad. They visited the institute to inquire about the situation of Pakistani students and to discuss with the rector, as well as to learn about the opportunities provided to students.
Ular institutga pokistonlik talabalar holidan xabar olish hamda institut rektori bilan suhbatlashish, talabalarga yaratib berilayotgan imkoniyatlar bilan tanishish maqsadida institutda bo‘lib turibdi.
During the meeting, the parties discussed proposals to increase the number of Pakistani students at the institute, facilitate mutual experience exchange between medical professionals from both countries, and expand the organization of master classes for students. Specific actions to be taken were outlined.
Additionally, a video presentation showcasing the conditions and opportunities created for students at Andijan State Medical Institute was displayed. The guests highly appreciated the institute’s capabilities and emphasized that all conditions are in place for students to become qualified specialists.