In the “Binokor” neighborhood of Andijan city, which is affiliated with the Andijan State Medical Institute, systematic work is ongoing to move the neighborhood from the red category, aiming to lift the population out of poverty and ensure employment for the unemployed.
Ma’lumot o‘rnida, bugungi kun holatiga ko‘ra, MFYda jami 1108 ta xonadon va 27 nafar ishsiz aholi mavjud boʼlib, shundan 10 ta xonadon qizil toifaga mansub.
As of today, there are a total of 1,108 households and 27 unemployed individuals in the neighborhood, of which 10 households belong to the red category. Today, on January 20, a meeting was held with a total of 3 families by a working group led by the institute’s rector M. Madazimov. As a result, 4 citizens underwent medical preventive measures, diagnostics, and treatment, and 3 of them were referred to the qualified professors and specialists of the “Psychiatry and Narcology” and “Neurosurgery” departments of Andijan State Medical Institute.