Skip to content Botirov Jaxongir Akramjon o‘g‘li successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc). – Andijan State Medical Institute
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Botirov Jaxongir Akramjon o‘g‘li successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc).

16:00 12.03.2025

Today, on March 12, Botirov Jaxongir Akramjon ugli defended his dissertation titled “The epidemiology, course and preventive characteristics of cholecystitis in the young, middle-aged, geront, and supergeront populations of Uzbekistan” for the specialties 14.00.43 “Preventive Medicine” and 14.00.27 “Surgery.”

The team of Andijan State Medical Institute sincerely congratulates J. Botirov on the successful defense and wishes him good luck in his future endeavors!