International cooperation with Germany is expanding – Andijan State Medical Institute
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International cooperation with Germany is expanding

13:38 08.10.2020

On October 7, online negotiation was held between Andijan State Medical Institute and the German Cooperation (GIZ) on the establishment as well operation of the Endourology Training Center.
The negotiation were attended by Carnelia Becker from Germany , specialists, and the head of the international cooperation department K. Salakhiddinov as well as  the head of the educational department K. Yusupov from ASMI.

During the talks, it was planned to purchase and install simulation equipment at the Endourology Training Center. It was agreed to include new high-tech diagnostics and treatment in undergraduate and graduate curricula.
It was agreed with the leading specialists from Rostock University of Germany to conduct training, advanced training and retraining courses. Future new projects are also planned.

International Cooperation Department of ASMI

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