Scientific seminar on medical science "Preventive Medicine" – Andijan State Medical Institute
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Scientific seminar on medical science "Preventive Medicine"

16:00 29.12.2020

Today a scientific seminar on medical science 14.00.43- “Preventive Medicine” under the Scientific Council for PhD 04/30 12.2019.Tib.No.95.01.organized at Andijan State Medical Institute was held.

At the beginning of the scientific seminar, Professor N.S. Mamasoliev spoke about the members of the seminar and the activities of the Scientific Council, and made suggestions for the members of the seminar to report on their activities.

After that, the scientific seminar, chaired by Professor H.Kh.Tursunov discussed the research of B.U.Usmanov on “Epidemiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations and features of prevention of iron deficiency anemia in the background of drug addiction” and scientific research by B.M.Nazarov on “Prevalence, formation, clinical course and prevention of glaucoma in the changing and strong continental climate”.

Members of the Scientific Seminar and online participants expressed their views on scientific researches and made recommendations for defense.


Secretary of the scientific seminar on “Preventive Medicine”

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