Within the framework of the tasks set within the framework of the “Year of Support for Youth and Public Health”, a lot of work is being done in the healthcare system of our region. In particular, today in the ASMI clinic, under an agreement between the governments of Germany and Uzbekistan, the German company GITEC provided the most modern ALV and SRAR equipment with a total cost of 87,000 euros, provided as charitable assistance to the anesthesiology and intensive care unit of the ASMI clinic.
The presentation of these devices took place within the framework of the project “Modernization of regional multidisciplinary medical centers”. The presentation was opened by NigorakhonMuratova, General Director of GITEC, Germany, who spoke in detail about the socio-economic cooperation between the governments of Germany and Uzbekistan. BakhodirjonRakhmonov, chief physician of the ASMI clinic, also spoke at the event and commented on the ongoing reforms in the health care system in the country. The event was attended by the head of the department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the ASMI clinic AbdumalikKhamidov and a group of specialists. As part of the event, qualified specialists held master classes on the effective and rational use of these devices, where they gave all the advice and recommendations useful for doctors. During the event, the doctors of the department received detailed and accurate answers to all their questions.
We are confident that such friendship and cooperation between Germany and Uzbekistan, based on mutual trust, will rise to even greater heights in the future!